Friday, October 25, 2024

Through The Teeth.

How was yours today?

I thought I should write this because this is an important moment in my life and a certain issue has to be addressed.

It was triggered from the poem I posted in my What’s App status sometimes back that I was going through today:

Lying Arse

Voice out

your frustrations.

But not to the

already exasperated.

Lie your way

out of your ass

But not to liars who’re

much too fast.

But everything is about

Situation, time and Place.

For every move is a

A hot board game of chess.

In any event, just

Don’t step on the mess.

That was left behind

When you were a pest

- RKP 24/04/2024

An acquaintance who saw the status chatted me up and asked, “What have you done?”. She meant, of course, why this, and, well, what have I done to pen that? I responded as follows (the parenthesis is for Tamil word):

“The point being the last four lines. The lies we told in the past will be the shit we step on in the future. Consequences (are always there). Law of nature (they’d say), (likewise) karma, Newton's law of motion, etc. But your past lies will be your present regret and future foil. Charles Dickens Christmas ghosts (like)”.

I would say over the last couple of decades, I have lied as little as possible, in real life and online—the latter of course depends on the content. As those who have read my blog posts and online articles may have noticed, my reviews are honest, while satiric pieces have b.s. all over them—but that is the whole point of satiric writing - telling deadly truth with light hearted b.s. 

But we cannot live without lying. Let’s say you have had massive diarrhea and made major deposits in the lavatory, and as you walk into the office, one of the colleagues whom you are not too close with asks you, “How are you?”. Are you going to regale him with the tragic tale of your overworked sore ass? Of course not; you will lie through your teeth and say, “I’m fine; how are you?”. Though he may have hit and run a cyclist that morning, naturally he’d say, "Fine.”

Then there are the professions. The first ones that come to mind would be politicians, lawyers, or a combination of both, because that one brilliant ability which is to pull stuff out of the ass is inherent in those two vocations. 

In asking the question as to why we lie to the ChatGPT, it gave a general answer. I followed it up, and this is what I got:

Sometimes ChatGPT really carries your balls, ain't it. Hope it's telling the truth. 

The word "fibs" in the last sentence means “lies” of course. On google search, this turned up at the top:
Synonyms for "to lie" include:
Fib (informal)
Tell a lie
Be untruthful
Stretch the truth
Bear false witness
Not tell the truth
Be economical with the truth (UK, humorous)
Not tell the whole truth
Tell a white lie

Why have I shared the above? Well, lying is such an important activity that it has sired so many synonyms and similar words, expressions, and slangs. 

Coming to what lying would mean to any individual, I like this explanation from this article: 
“Lies may be divided into two distinct motivational categories: prosocial lies that are constructed to benefit others; and antisocial lies that are selfish.”

To even expand it further, there are lies to hide some bitter truth, there are lies to self-elevate, there are lies because you gotta sell something that does not really measure up, there are lies because you don’t want to pursue certain subjects and move on, and there are lies because the one you are about to deceive does not need additional info—need to know basis only. You want to avoid them like plague. Except, usually, plague comes to you.

There used to be some sort of patron saint of non-lying (as opposed to The Truth, because who the hell knows what that thing is), called Harischandra. A king known for telling the truth and holder of values like honesty, integrity, and selflessness, the poor bloke had to face a shitload of challenges, issues, and stuff.

Aside: Raja Harischandra was the first Indian silent film... which is technically a lie, because India was not India till it was 1947, right? End of aside 

And of course, speaking of lying through the teeth, how about nose? Everyone knows Pinocchio’s story. Though I suspect it is an allegory about male sexuality insecurity, the more he lies to a woman he is attracted to, the better chance the hard-on will be put to good use. The nose hard on. Like Pinocchio. Arr... you know what I mean.

Which is why to live a life without telling a single lie is like taking a roller coaster ride on an ordinary railway track. The worst lies are the ones you tell yourself. But what the hell? The business of motivating others has been minting moolahs based on this premise. To feel better about yourself is to continue lying and believing in it.
What is long, hard and full of mucus?

Not to mention, lying is a direct proffession that folks believe and swear by. You see, the most sincere, hard-working, selfless astrologists make a living by dispensing personal prophecies to their clients. These prophecies are nothing but lies, of course, but believers usually bend the truth to the shape of those prophecies and convince others that those were accurate predictions. That is self-deception at its best.  

There are lies that evolve into conspiracy theories because it suits agendas. There are lies that gather more and more lies, solidify themselves, and become the truth, as those who set aside time daily for prayers will tell you. They then share those lies with others, and all of them coagulate into a dangerous group of people that is responsible for this:

If every religion is not lying, this would never have happened. But you just, ain’t you?

Which is why truth can only remain a pursuit and a journey only. Just like life, because the ending is where the real truth is, nothing is permanent—everything—wealth, family, love life, relationship, power, pets, memories, and that large block of chocolate you thought you could save up for days to come. Nothing lasts forever. This truth is so shatteringly terrifying, we might as well live a life full of lies, perform in front of others, and bow out of life's stage gracelessly and never to appear again.

Seriously, remember the first sentence I wrote above? I lied. To save your scrolling, I wrote: “I thought I should write this because this is an important moment in my life, and this has to be addressed.” To refer to the pix up there, it's absolutely bullshit!

I wrote this post because I was fucking bored and wanted to post something, anything, in my blog. Thanks for being deceived, suckers. Hahaha

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